Functional fitness means "building a body capable of doing real-life activities in real-life positions, not just lifting a certain amount of weight in an idealized posture created by a gym machine." In Functional Fitness the muscles learn how to work together in harmony instead of being all aloof and separated from each other - this is how the body works in real life. Instead of using huge cumbersome weight machines designed to isolate muscles, functional fitness uses simple equipment like medicine balls, sandbags, plyo boxes, cables, or kettlebells. Or better yet, you can use nothing but your own body weight, with exercises like push ups, pull-ups and handstands. Training involves the continued practice of perfecting these movement skills and produces strong and highly skilled athletes.
However, most importantly functional training methods are diverse, interesting and great fun, a far cry from the boredom associated with machine and isolation training. All this makes this 'Trendy' fitness method hotter than anything I've seen in over 30 years of training.