Thrash your mates at press ups
You don't need to join the army to enjoy the many benefits of doing a proper press up. A press up, also called a push up, does not require any equipment other than you own body weight and it works all of the body at the same time. So how do you train to perform multiple press ups and be the envy of your mates? Enter the PRISON WORKOUT You don't have to get yourself locked up to take part in the prison workout, but there are plenty of real world applications. Do it in your house, garage, garden or when you are away on business when you only have a few minutes in your hotel room. It's intense and you could almost whip your body into shape by mastering this exercise routine alone. You'll be working out while Mr Average is still deciding what to do. Here's how.

- From a standing position, drop down into a press up position and perform ten complete press ups.
- Jump up, walk or jog to the other side of the room/garden, drop down again and perform 9 press ups.
- Repeat until you have completed all descending sets
- Time your routine and post your results
Descending from 10 down to 1 will give you a total 55 press ups, however if you descend from the holy grail of 20 you will be performing 210 press ups.
For an alternative try ascending from 1 upwards and see how far you get before you can't perform the next number. For instance you may get from 1 to 12 and then perform a further 7 press ups before you hit failure. This would give you 85 press ups.
Remember to post you results and comments.