We're talking tyre flipping here!
Normally associated with those crazy "strongest Man in the World TV Programmes", the tyre is a fantastic addition to your home gym and suitable for everybody who wants to get into the best shape of their life. You can flip them, drag them with a rope or even hit them repeatedly with a sledge hammer - just be careful your hammer doesn't bounce off into your next door neighbour's green house! You may have trouble explaining that one.
Having performed multiple tyre flips using a lorry tyre on a few occasions, I can confirm this is one of those exercises that hits every part of your body and will improve your strength, endurance and explosiveness. A lorry tyre at around 25 to 30kgs is perfect as it will allow you to perform multiple flips in a set period.
Technique: As the weight of the tyre is carried around the edges, flipping one requires an explosive whole-body effort. Start in a deep squat with your fingertips underneath the tyre, drive up through your heels and push your hips forwards as you lift your arms to flip the tyre.
As a suggested workout for tyre flipping, use interval training: Set your timer for 10 minutes and tyre flip for 30 secs followed by 30 secs rest. Better still, work with a training partner, changing over every 30 seconds. A perfect addition to your fitness equipment is a 'Gymboss' Interval timer (available from Amazon) and allows you set up multiple or individual intervals.
I've just ordered a worn lorry tyre from ATS Stratford; They normally have monthly collections and I can go along and pick one free of charge. So a free piece of gym equipment that gets maximum results! Just one problem. How do I get it past the wife?